Sunday, February 27, 2005

Chapter Three

Be Gold or Begone

You should by now be rather well-acquainted with Jellyfish. It it thus appropriate to introduce, at this point in the tale, his ally and comrade-in-arms, Ms Sea Snake.

This slinky lady is a two-headed reptile. Endowed with the innate ability to slip out of tricky situations, Sea Snake's reputation precedes her. Always greeting others with a cheerful smile and nice words, Sea Snake is a slippery creature indeed - not many are aware of her two-faced nature. Those who have incurred her wrath lead precarious lives, always conscious that she may swallow them whole.

Sea Snake and Jellyfish share a horrible secret. A secret that is to be protected with their lives, or preferably with the lives of others.

They are Gold-Finders.

Sea Snake and Jellyfish had both come to being from a territory far away from the kingdom of the Place - the Golden Standard.

When they came to reside in the Castle, these two creatures burdened themselves with ideas, notions and a heavy mindset cast in Gold. They thought not to discover the Place for what it was, but to sought to mimick the Gold they were so accustomed to. Life in the Castle soon became a tedious affair as they tried to replicate the Golden Standard. It was common knowledge that "at [their] old place", things were thought to be bigger, better and worthy of imitation.

Before long, the royal slogan of the Place was "Be Gold or Begone!".

How the Placemats wished they were gone is another story all together...

Continue reading Chapter Four


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